If you’re looking for the best Elgin eye care, our professional team at the Kraff Eye Institute is here to help! Even though we are not located in Elgin, Illinois, our Chicago-based eye clinic is proud to serve Cook County and surrounding areas including zip codes such as 60103, 60118, 60120, 60124, 60123, and 60177. We believe that everyone deserves to have quality vision and our team of experts is pleased to offer exceptional services in a comfortable setting. From LASIK eye surgery to standard eye exams, we are here to serve you.
We are your go-to resource for all things eye care in Elgin and the surrounding areas. In addition to LASIK and PRK, we are proud to offer Elgin eye exams, corneal cross-linking, ICL, refractive lens exchange, lipiflow, and treatment for cataracts and glaucoma.