LASIK Chicago

LASIK Chicago

The Kraff Eye Institute is the nation's leading LASIK eye surgery center, located in Chicago, IL. With a focus on using the most state-of-the-art technology and the most advanced treatment techniques, Dr. Colman Kraff,  the top LASIK surgeon in Chicago, delivers exceptional results for his patients, improving their vision, and quality of life for years. 

If you're looking to improve your vision and decrease your dependence on glasses or contact lenses, LASIK surgery in Chicago may be just what you're looking for. This safe and effective procedure permanently reduces or eliminates your need for corrective eyewear.

What Is LASIK Eye Surgery?

LASIK Surgery

LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis) is a popular laser vision correction procedure. Approved by the FDA in 1997, LASIK is a safe and effective alternative to wearing glasses or contact lenses.

By reshaping the cornea — the clear front part of the eye — LASIK allows light entering the eye to  properly focus onto the retina, thereby delivering clearer vision. It's the most commonly performed laser eye surgery at Kraff Eye Institute because the procedure is minimally invasive, typically pain-free, and boasts a quick recovery time.

This laser eye surgery procedure is designed to treat myopic (nearsighted), hyperopic (farsighted), presbyopic, and astigmatic patients. More recent advancements in custom wavefront-optimized LASIK technology now allow us to treat patients with high levels of astigmatism. Although every patient has a unique LASIK journey, the results of improved vision remain the same.

Our Chicago vision center uses the latest, customized iDesign advanced diagnostic equipment, allowing patients at the Kraff Eye Institute to achieve highly accurate, highly successful results that lead to clearer vision.

What Conditions Does LASIK Treat?

LASIK Treatment

LASIK surgery is a type of refractive surgery best known for its ability to treat a variety of refractive errors. It helps improve vision and reduce or eliminate the need for glasses or contact lenses. Millions of people have benefited from this laser vision correction procedure, enhancing their vision and allowing them to enjoy clearer sight. Here are the conditions that the LASIK procedure can treat:

  1. Myopia (Nearsightedness): This condition occurs when the eye's shape is too elongated and causes light rays to focus in front of the retina. As a result, distant objects appear blurry while nearby objects can be seen clearly.
  2. Hyperopia (Farsightedness): The opposite of myopia, hyperopia happens when the eye is too short. This causes light rays to focus behind the retina, making close-up objects blurry, though distant objects may still appear clear.
  3. Astigmatism: This arises from an irregularly shaped cornea or lens. Instead of having one focal point for the eye to focus light correctly on the retina, multiple focal points occur, either in front of or behind the retina (or both). This results in blurry or distorted vision for both near and far objects.
  4. Presbyopia: Though LASIK can't directly treat presbyopia – an age-related condition where the eye's lens loses elasticity, making it hard to focus on close objects – certain techniques, like monovision LASIK, can help manage its effects. In monovision LASIK, one eye is corrected for distance vision, while the other is set for near vision.

Types of LASIK Procedures We Provide

LASIK surgery can improve the vision of patients with various refractive errors. At Kraff Eye Institute, our LASIK providers will determine if the patient qualifies for the LASIK procedure.

Learn more about our vision correction procedures below and schedule a LASIK consultation to see if you are a good candidate.

Experience Clearer Vision With LASIK

Choose LASIK for improved vision without using glasses or contacts. Schedule your consultation today and take the first step towards a brighter tomorrow while experiencing exceptional patient care!

best lasik surgeon in chicago

Is LASIK Permanent?

Laser eye surgery is typically an effective and permanent form of vision correction for most patients. However, although laser eye surgery effects are long-lasting, it cannot stop age-related eyesight changes like presbyopia from happening. So, while the effects are enduring, they might not be lifelong for all aspects of vision.

Who Is a Candidate for LASIK in Chicago?

LASIK Candidate

The only way to determine if you're a good LASIK candidate is to have our experienced and knowledgeable doctors assess your eyes. Our LASIK physicians at the Kraff Eye Institute will provide you with the best possible options for laser vision correction and answer any questions you may have.

In general, a good candidate for LASIK:

  • Is 18 or older
  • Has healthy eyes and corneas
  • Has corneas of an adequate thickness
  • Has had a stable vision prescription (no changes in your prescription in a year or more)
  • Has refractive errors that fall within the treatment parameters
  • Is in good overall health

What Would Disqualify Me From LASIK?

While LASIK can be transformative for many patients, certain medical or eye conditions can make individuals ineligible for the procedure. Approximately 20% of LASIK hopefuls encounter these disqualifiers:

  • Unstable Vision: Continuously changing prescriptions.
  • Extreme Refractive Errors: High degrees of nearsightedness, farsightedness, or astigmatism.
  • Insufficient Corneal Thickness: Corneas that are too thin for safe surgery.
  • Severe Dry Eye Disease: Chronic dryness that may be exacerbated post-surgery.
  • Keratoconus: A condition where the cornea thins and bulges outward.
  • Presence of Cataract: Clouding of the eye's natural lens.
  • Other Conditions: Uncontrolled glaucoma, diabetes, or certain autoimmune diseases.

If LASIK isn't recommended, we may suggest an alternative vision correction procedure, such as PRK, RLE, or EVO ICL.

Are You Eligible for LASIK?

Take our quiz or schedule a free LASIK consultation today to find out if you're eligible for LASIK surgery.

Schedule Consultation

LASIK Procedure: From Start to Finish

LASIK Process

On the day of your procedure, you'll want to plan to be at the Kraff Eye Institute for approximately 2 hours. The entire LASIK procedure takes about 30 minutes, with the actual laser treatment being only a matter of seconds.

Initial Eye Exam

At your consultation visit, we will check your current vision with and without your glasses or contacts. During the comprehensive eye examination, we will measure the thickness of your cornea to ensure sufficient corneal thickness. We will also take a topography of your eyes (map of the front surface of the eye), and check the overall health of your eyes.

One of our refractive counselors will go over the procedure in detail with you and answer any questions you might have regarding the surgery. Our refractive counselors will also guide you through the scheduling process, and payment options. Personalized care is essential to a successful outcome and patient satisfaction.

You'll then have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Kraff, who will let you know if you're a good candidate for laser vision correction, based on the measurements taken, and answer any additional questions you may have.

Before the Procedure

Depending on whether you wear contact lenses and the type of lenses you use, the time between your initial consultation and surgery can range from 1 to 2 weeks. If you have specialty lenses, Dr. Kraff will tell you how long you should go without wearing them before your surgery. If you don't wear contact lenses, we'll arrange a date and time that suits your schedule.

It's important to be aware of any potential risks and side effects and to discuss these with your LASIK provider. You should also have realistic expectations of the outcome and be prepared to follow your doctor's instructions regarding post-operative care and follow-up visits.

Day of the Procedure

LASIK Surgery

LASIK is a 2-step process:

  • Step 1: Dr. Kraff uses the Intralase Femtosecond Laser to create a very thin flap on the cornea's surface.
  • Step 2: Dr. Kraff lifts the flap and uses another laser to reshape the cornea. This reshaping allows the light traveling through the eye to hit the retina in a more precise manner, improving your vision.

Step One

Creating the flap takes approximately 4 to 5 minutes. You'll be given several numbing drops to ensure you don't experience any pain. It's normal during this step to feel a small amount of pressure, this sensation only lasts for about 30 seconds for each eye.

Dr. Kraff will talk to you throughout the process so you know what to expect during this life-changing procedure.

Step Two

The second step usually takes about 10 minutes to complete. Additional numbing drops will keep you comfortable during this step. The treatment is done one eye at a time and takes approximately 5 minutes for each eye. Dr. Kraff will use a small instrument to gently hold the eyelids open.

Dr. Kraff will use a specialized surgical instrument to lift the flap created in Step 1. Next, Dr. Kraff will use the laser to reshape the cornea. This step is quick, usually less than 1 minute, and you will feel NO discomfort during this time. Once completed, Dr. Kraff will put the flap back down, and realign the flap, smoothing any wrinkles or creases. He will then begin the exact process for the other eye.

Will I Be Awake During LASIK?

You'll be awake during LASIK, but the procedure is usually painless due to numbing eye drops. The surgeon will guide you through the LASIK experience, there won't be any surprises.

How Long Does LASIK Eye Surgery Take?

A typical LASIK procedure, from start to finish, takes about 15-30 minutes. The laser portion to correct your vision takes less than 1-minute.

After the Procedure

After your LASIK procedure, you'll be taken to our recovery room, where your post-operative instructions are explained in detail. Dr. Kraff will examine your eyes one final time before you leave, and answer any follow-up questions you might have. You'll need to have someone with you to assist you in getting home following your LASIK surgery in downtown Chicago.

When you arrive home, you should plan on sleeping for 4-6 hours, during which a lot of healing will occur. You may experience mild discomfort (watery eyes, stinging, light sensitivity) during this time, and we recommend you keep your eyes closed as much as possible to aid in your recovery.

The day after your LASIK surgery, you'll return to the office for a postoperative examination of 15 minutes to see how your healing is progressing. Dr. Kraff will assess your progress, answer any follow-up questions you might have, and review the use of your eye drops. 90% of refractive eye surgery patients return to normal daily activities within 24 hours of their procedure.

Schedule a LASIK Consultation in Chicago, IL

Our LASIK eye surgery center in the Chicago area can help you achieve your visual goals. Schedule a free consultation with our professional staff today!

312-444-1111Schedule Consultation
Vision Solutions

What Are the Advantages of LASIK?

LASIK surgery offers a transformative experience for those seeking better vision and visual freedom. One standout advantage is the likelihood of achieving sharp, unaided vision, with around 96% of recipients expressing satisfaction post-procedure. A remarkable 99% of patients attain at least 20/40 vision post-surgery, meeting most driving license requirements, while an impressive majority surpass this, achieving the coveted 20/20 vision. Despite these statistics, it's important that suitable candidates still manage their expectations.

While LASIK dramatically reduces dependency on corrective lenses, perfect vision isn't guaranteed. Consulting with an ophthalmologist helps set realistic expectations.During a no-cost consultation, our team will explain the differences between what we offer and our competitors. They will go over the cost of the LASIK surgery,  what services and exams are included, and what payment options are available. Additionally, patients should know they can use HSA and FSA funds for their surgery.

Eye Exams

What Are the Side Effects of LASIK?

LASIK surgery, while highly effective, can have some side effects, especially during the initial postoperative period. Most of these symptoms are temporary and diminish as the eyes heal. However, it's essential to be aware of them so you can make an informed decision:

  1. Dry Eyes: Some patients experience decreased tear production that leads to temporary dryness.
  2. Glare or Halos: Night vision can be temporarily affected, causing glare or halos around lights.
  3. Fluctuating Vision: Vision may fluctuate for a few days post-surgery.
  4. Under-corrections or Over-corrections: Sometimes, the laser might not remove enough or might remove too much corneal tissue.
  5. Infection or Inflammation: Though rare, the eyes might show signs of infection or inflammation.

Always consult with an ophthalmologist at a qualified LASIK vision institute to discuss potential risks and benefits tailored to individual circumstances.

Is LASIK Safe?

LASIK Success Rate

LASIK eye surgery, backed by extensive research and clinical trials, has a well-established safety record. From 1993 to 2005, over 9,000 participants in U.S. clinical trials attested to its efficacy and safety. More than 98 percent of LASIK patients are satisfied or very satisfied with their surgery results. Further bolstering its reputation, more than 7,000 research studies underscore LASIK's trustworthiness. Thanks to evolving technology, complication rates are below 1%. However, like all medical procedures, LASIK isn't free of risks. You'll want to consult an ophthalmologist to understand the surgery's suitability, as certain medical conditions might render LASIK inadvisable. Patient safety should always be prioritized.

As long as patients meet the criteria for being eligible for LASIK treatment and the right LASIK eye surgeon performs the procedure, the procedure is very safe and effective.

When Is a LASIK Enhancement Needed?

Though most LASIK patients achieve excellent results, some do not see full vision correction from the initial procedure. In these cases, an enhancement surgery may be recommended to help the patient reach their optimal vision. Before pursuing a LASIK enhancement, it's important to allow the full recommended healing period after your first LASIK surgery and make sure to follow all post-op care instructions from your surgeon.

A comprehensive exam with an experienced ophthalmologist or optometrist at Kraff Eye Institute can determine if an enhancement is suitable for treating any residual vision issues. The need for an enhancement often arises from undercorrection or overcorrection of vision from the original LASIK treatment. These conditions stem from variations in how each patient's eyes heal after the initial surgery. The enhancement procedure can fine-tune the original correction to help the patient achieve crisp, clear vision.

Book a LASIK Evaluation in Chicago, IL Today

Experience life without visual constraints. Don't miss out on clear vision – take the first step with a LASIK evaluation today!

312-444-1111Schedule Consultation
 Clearer Vision

How Much Does LASIK Cost in Chicago?

LASIK Cost in Chicago

At Kraff Eye Institute, we understand that cost is a major factor when deciding to undergo an elective procedure. Words like “cheap” and “discount” can be attractive, but you'll want to ensure that you understand what's included in the cost of the procedure. During a no-cost consultation, we'll explain the differences between what we offer and our competitors. We will go over the cost of the LASIK surgery, what services are included, and what payment options are available.We've researched the best financing options and are pleased to partner with CareCredit, America's premier patient payment program. CareCredit enables you to start your vision care procedure immediately and pay for it over a determined period of time, with low monthly payments that are convenient and easy to fit into your budget.

Why Choose Our LASIK Chicago Center for Laser Surgery?

At the Kraff Eye Institute, one of the nation's top LASIK eye surgery centers, our team of professionals is dedicated to providing patients with the most advanced and safest treatments available.

By utilizing the iDesign technology - the most advanced LASIK technology available - Dr. Kraff can customize each procedure and consider every minor aberration. Our all-laser system ensures the LASIK treatments are as safe as possible. At our LASIK eye surgery center in Chicago, our highly experienced team of top LASIK surgeons is committed to ensuring that each patient has a comfortable and successful experience during their LASIK journey.

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About Your Chicago LASIK Eye Surgeon

Dr. Colman Kraff is one of the best LASIK surgeons in Chicago, he has been involved in LASER eye surgery since its inception, having performed over 70,000 procedures.

He partners with industry leaders as a consultant and principal investigator, participating in the latest FDA trials to ensure the best and most advanced technology is accessible to patients.

With a proven track record of successful procedures, Dr. Kraff is dedicated to providing precise and personalized eye care in Chicago, IL, ensuring patients achieve optimal visual outcomes with confidence.

Reviews for LASIK at Kraff Eye, Chicago


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Get LASIK Eye Surgery in Chicago, IL

If you're ready to experience the freedom of life without glasses or contacts, call us today to book your consultation for LASIK eye surgery in Chicago, IL!

312-444-1111Schedule Consultation
 Clearer Vision

Lasik Surgery Frequently Asked Questions

Does Vision Correction Surgery Like LASIK Hurt?

Expand F.A.Q.

During the procedure, the patient is given multiple sets of numbing drops. These drops help create a painless procedure for the patient. Post-operatively, patients are given oral pain medication to help minimize any discomfort. Rest assured that any discomfort is temporary and usually only lasts a couple of hours.

How Many Times Can You Get LASIK?

Expand F.A.Q.

If a patient falls within treatable perimeters and requires an enhancement, a second procedure can be performed. The enhancement procedure varies slightly from the initial procedure as it isn't necessary to recreate a flap. Depending on when the primary procedure was first performed, Dr. Kraff may recommend doing PRK for the enhancement.

Which is better, LASIK or another type of laser eye surgery?

Expand F.A.Q.

LASIK is a widely preferred laser eye surgery due to its proven effectiveness, rapid recovery, and minimal discomfort. However, your individual eye conditions will determine your suitability. Consulting an experienced eye specialist will determine the most suitable option for optimal results.

Will I Still Need Reading Glasses After LASIK?

Expand F.A.Q.

Laser eye surgery doesn't stop the eye's natural aging process (presbyopia). Patients treated for Myopia or Hyperopia should understand that they will still need reading glasses when they're in their late 40s or early 50s. If a patient is currently wearing reading glasses, then Dr. Kraff may recommend a procedure called Monovision. Monovision will be discussed when you are in the office for your consultation.

Will Insurance Cover LASIK?

Expand F.A.Q.

Most medical insurance doesn't cover laser eye surgery. However, contact your health insurance provider to determine if your individual policy covers LASIK surgery and if there are any restrictions or requirements.

Can I Have LASIK Surgery On Both Eyes At The Same Time?

Expand F.A.Q.

Yes, typically, LASIK surgery is performed on both eyes simultaneously. It's important to discuss this option with your doctor before making any decisions.

Will I have to limit my activity?

Expand F.A.Q.

After LASIK, you may need to limit strenuous activities temporarily to ensure proper healing. You will need to avoid swimming and diving during the initial healing process. Your eye doctor will provide guidelines to safeguard your eyes during the initial recovery phase, which will maximize the procedure's success.