LASIK Eye Surgeons, Experience Matters

LASIK Eye Surgeons, Experience Matters

October 4, 2022

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Since LASIK was first introduced in the 1990s, thousands of procedures have been performed on millions of patients. This is certainly reassuring when you’re considering refractive surgery on your own eyes. But there are a lot of choices out there. How do you know if the doctor you’re considering is the best eye surgeon for you? After all, when it comes to your eyes, you want the best LASIK laser eye surgeon.

Who Can Perform LASIK?

LASIK is performed by an ophthalmologist. This is a doctor with either a Medical Doctorate (MD) or a Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) that has gone on to complete a residency in ophthalmology. During residency, an ophthalmologist gains extensive eye surgery experience. Some ophthalmologists go on to complete fellowships in more specialized areas of ophthalmology. You’ll find board-certified ophthalmologists at the best laser eye centers. You may also see optometrists practicing at the best vision eye care center, although they may be involved in your pre- and post-operative care, they will not perform the LASIK procedures themselves.

Aren’t All LASIK Vision Centers the Same?

Just like any medical practice, every LASIK vision center has its own individual characteristics, every surgeon has their own specific way of practicing.

Before deciding which is the best LASIK laser eye surgeon for you, you’ll want to learn as much as possible about refractive surgery so you can make an educated decision. Several resources exist to help you gather information:

After reading more about LASIK, you’ll be able to ask the right questions to find the best eye surgeon in your area.

Questions To Ask When Choosing A LASIK Surgeon

Questions To Ask When Choosing A LASIK Surgeon

Once you’re done with your research, you’ll surely have questions. If you think you may have found the best LASIK surgeon for you, here are some questions you may want to consider asking in addition to the ones you may already have.

  • How many LASIK surgeries has the surgeon performed?

In general, the more surgeries your surgeon has performed, the better. This ensures that they have encountered a variety of situations and will know how to handle them.

  • How long has the surgeon been doing LASIK?

Similar to the number of surgeries performed, the length of time that a surgeon has been practicing helps to develop their expertise. Over time, techniques have advanced and surgeons can learn from this evolution.

  • What is your surgeon’s training?

You might not only be interested in where your surgeon went to school, but you also may want to ask them about their continuing education. Perhaps they recently took a course in a special procedure that is relevant to your specific case.

  • What professional organizations does your surgeon participate in?

Are they involved in lecturing, advisory boards, or other meetings? Physicians can learn a lot through their professional interactions with colleagues.

  • What procedures does the surgeon's clinic offer?

Not everyone is a candidate for LASIK, but there are many other refractive surgery options out there. Ask what’s offered by your clinic, and what option the surgeon recommends for you.

  • What technology does the surgeon use?

Surgical equipment and techniques evolve over time and you’ll want to make sure that your surgeon of choice is keeping up with the most up to date technology available.

  • Does the surgeon own the practice?

This can be worth discussing, as practice owners often have greater accountability for their work.

  • Is their pricing honest, fair, and transparent?

You’ll likely discover this without directly asking this question. Simply ask for pricing and see what the answer is.


There are many options when it comes to quality LASIK surgeons. Finding a doctor in your area with extensive experience is critical, as it  can have a direct affect on the outcome of your surgery. If you are located in the Chicagoland area, the best LASIK eye center is the Kraff Eye Institute. This comprehensive eye care center is owned by Chicago's leading LASIK and PRK surgeon, Dr. Colman Kraff. He performed the first LASIK procedure in Chicago post-FDA approval, Dr. Kraff helped to pioneer laser vision correction. With decades of experience and a commitment to advancing technology, the Kraff Eye Institute is the gold standard in eye care.  The Kraff Eye Institute serves the entire Chicagoland area, but many patients come from other areas of Illinois and far beyond to receive top-notch care.  If you're ready to make an appointment for a consultation with one of the best LASIK surgeons, call the Kraff Eye Institute, or you can conveniently request an appointment online.

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Dr. Colman R. Kraff

Committed to advancing new technologies in the field of ophthalmology, Dr. Colman Kraff helped to pioneer laser vision correction. In February of 1991, as part of a five-site, U.S., FDA clinical trial team, Dr. Kraff successfully performed the first excimer laser procedures in the Chicagoland area using the VISX Excimer Laser.

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LASIK eye surgery might be your answer. Connect with us!
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