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We are happy to announce our reopening. Considering the new normal, we at Kraff Eye Institute take all the preventive measures to provide full safety for our patients.

Usually, when talking about safety, it has to do with the safety in the results of LASIK or cataract surgery.
Today, in the post-coronavirus world, we will work through some of the procedures and protocols that we’ve implemented here in order to ensure the safety of our patients and staff while at the Kraff Eye Institute.
Why don’t you follow me along and we will talk about what is now the new normal?
We’ve made significant changes in the reception check-in area.
Reception Check-In Area Changes
- When you first enter the office, you will notice a patient hand sanitizing station. All patients will be required to sanitize their hands, as well as their cell phones.
- Check-in markers have been placed on the floor to highlight appropriate social distancing positions.
- Protective screens have been added to the reception desk in order to protect patients and staff during check-in.
- Seating has been modified to keep adequate social distancing for patients’ safety, and comfort.
- And, finally, all magazines have been removed in order to minimize any potential for hand contamination.
Now, let’s take a virtual guide around the Kraff Eye Institute.
Preventive Measures Our Staff Takes during COVID-19
In our new normal, when we examine patients with Dr. Kraff, we will be wearing the proper protective personal equipment, as well as disinfecting all of our testing equipment and exam chairs for your safety.

Here at Kraff Eye Institute staff will have daily wellness checks and questionnaires. If anyone is not feeling well, they have been told to remain home. All of our staff will be wearing protective masks and daily clean scrubs at all times while examining any patient.
The doctors will be completely gowned, masked, and gloved to protect both patients and the doctor. Everyone at the Kraff Eye Institute has been educated and instructed in the proper hygiene techniques for hands sanitizing and wearing protective masks.
Online LASIK Consultations
Now, during these uncertain times, we are using time to reassess how we can continue to offer safe and effective care to our patients. One of the things that we are offering now to patients is the opportunity to do a virtual consultation.

A virtual consult can be done either over the phone or utilizing apps such as the Zoom app. These are really great options for patients because it allows you to use your downtime to learn a little bit more about the different types of surgical procedures that we do here at the Kraff Eye Institute.
Dr. Kraff will go over risks and potential issues which a lot of patients are concerned about: the safety aspect of surgery. It will then allow us to explain what our protocol is moving forward, getting you into our practice so that we can do clinical measurements during the procedure as well as all of your post-operative care. Patients will always have the option to also come in for in-office consultations resting assured that our main focus is your safety and preventing the spread of the COVID-19.
How New Is the New Normal for Us?

We’ve always worn protective personal equipment at the Kraff Eye Institute when we perform LASIK or PRK surgery. Gloves, hats, masks, gowns are not new for us. Adding some protective personal equipment for patients is a little bit new. Our intention is to continue to provide safety for our patients and staff in our new normal. Hopefully, eventually, we’ll go back to what was our old normal for all of us.
Your Safe Visit to the Kraff Eye Institute
Due to social distancing, each provider will need to reduce their patient schedules. We will triage appointments based off urgency and necessity. Unfortunately, your already postponed appointment may be rescheduled if we find your appointment to be more routine in nature.
If you are having issues when we call to reschedule please voice if you are experiencing issues to accommodate your appointment in the appropriate manner. You may be asked to see a different provider than normal to expedite your appointment. If there is a question about your care, please remember providers will easily be able to contact each other. We appreciate your understanding since the reasoning is out of our control at this time.
We also need you to do your part. If you are ill, which consists of a fever, cough or other cold like symptoms, please cancel your appointment. We will do everything we can to accommodate an appointment for you in about two weeks.
Prior to Arrival
You will receive two phone calls. One will be to confirm your appointment, update your demographic information: address, email, insurance changes. If we need a signature on paperwork we will send it via email and ask you print and sign if you are able. The second call will be from a technician to update your health history, medication review and an understanding why you are coming into the office to update paperwork easily in the office. These items will be done to decrease any waiting room time and allow for better social distancing.
Upon Arrival at the office
Please come to the office visit alone. We ask you to sanitize hands and cell phones when you enter. We will have Purell and sanitation wipes at the entrance. You will be required to wear a fresh mask which we will provide. It will be a basic mask. You are welcome to layer it on top of your own N95, but it is also a barrier to protect our staff from an outside object if you would prefer more protection.
Check In

Check in will be streamlined. You will have already received a call prior to your appointment. Your demographic data should be up to date. The only items we will need to see in the office is a photo id for new patients and insurance card for all appointments when insurance will be utilized. Once these items are scanned you will be escorted back to an exam room where you will be worked up by a technician.
Moving Around
If you are not a new patient, you are used to shuffling around the office. We are changing this unless you need additional testing, you would then need to visit those machines. Technicians and doctors will be coming to you. To start, the technician already has your updated health history, medication list and reason for your office visits along with any concerns from a prior phone call. Once worked up the physician will come into the room you are in. Once the exam is completed you will be escorted out to the check out. Any money will be collected unless you feel uncomfortable with the exchange. You are welcome to call prior to your appointment to give us your credit card information.
After Your Visit
We are accustomed to cleaning all equipment between patients. However, we are stepping the cleaning up a notch and will disinfect all surfaces including chair, arm rests, computer keyboard and door handle. For proper disinfection to take place the surfaces must completely air dry which can take several minutes. You likely will not see this process ,but we want to assure you it is getting done.
Our Staff
Each day, staff are required to have their temperature read in the morning and the afternoon. We require the staff to remain masked the whole day unless they are taking a break while practicing social distancing. Hands are washed for a minimum of 20 seconds immediately upon arriving in the office and several times throughout the course of the day. We require the use of gloves when working up patient or sanitizer if there is no risk of tear exchange.

Day of Surgery Safety
When you check out of your pre-op visit all instructions will be reviewed with you. You will be given two medication prescriptions, or we will arrange the pharmacy to drop the medication off at our office. You will also be give one tablet to relax you for the day of the procedure. The medication is to be taken 30 minutes prior to your arrival. At your pre-op we will likely collect money to make the surgical experience more efficient.
We ask for to arrive alone for your procedure. We can call your ride to come and get you. We are happy to validate parking for them to wait in the car. We are also happy to call an Uber/Lift if you would like. Our team can walk you to your ride if you feel more comfortable. You will likely be in the office for 30-45 minutes.
When you enter the office, you will be escorted into an exam room. You will wait here until the surgical suite is prepped for you.
Once the procedure is done you will have all instructions reviewed. You will also be given the handouts reviewing everything discussed. Your post-op appointment time will be given to you as well.
Get a consultation at the Kraff Eye Institute
If you are interested in scheduling a consultation or Zoom or phone consultation, visit our website at, contact one of our doctors directly and get all your questions answered. We look forward to working with you on improving your vision and we look forward to easier and simpler times.
Where Vision Gets a Second Chance.