LASIK Eye Surgery

 PRK Surgery for Astigmatism in Chicago, IL

Photorefractive Keratectomy, also known as PRK, is a LASER procedure that helps patients lessen their need for glasses and contact lenses. In a PRK treatment, a microscope amount of tissue is removed from the cornea which helps the light that passes through the eye to better focus on the retina. Many patients ask, “Can PRK correct astigmatism?” The answer is YES!

What is astigmatism

Astigmatism is a common refractive error where the shape of the cornea doesn’t allow the light to focus correctly on the retina. This results in blurry vision because the astigmatism is causing two focal points within the eye. A person can have astigmatism in conjunction with being both nearsighted or farsighted.

How our PRK procedure can fix astigmatism

Here at the Kraff Eye Institute, we utilize the iDesign 2.0 software. This is the most advanced way of screening and mapping the cornea. This software allows us to perform PRK surgeries on patients with high levels of astigmatism. To learn more, please schedule a no-cost, no-obligation consultation, to see if you qualify.

Recovery time after PRK for Astigmatism

It is normal for a patient to have some discomfort the first 1-3 days following a PRK treatment. A patient will want to plan for a long weekend where they do minimal activities; i.e. no work, no heavy reading, no driving, no exercise, etc. Most patients who have surgery on a Thursday or Friday can return back to work on Monday or Tuesday. Please note that you will not have your final vision, but a highly functioning vision where you should be able to get through most of your normal day-to-day activities.

Reviews For PRK Services At Kraff Eye, Chicago


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Financial Options

Kraff Eye Institute has researched the best credit options and is proud to announce a partnership with CareCredit, America’s top patient payment program. CareCredit allows you to start your vision care procedures at once – then pay for it at your convenience with low monthly payments that are easy to fit in your monthly budget.

Please call our office at (312) 757-7335 for more details.

About Your Doctor

Specializing In Refractive Eye Surgeries For Over 25 Years

Dr. Colman Kraff has been at the forefront of LASER eye surgery since the beginning. Having personally performed over 70,000 LASER procedures, he is one of the most reputable and skilled surgeons anywhere.

Dr. Kraff works closely with industry manufactures as a principle investigator and consultant. As a result, he actively participates in the most recent FDA trials to ensure the best and most precise technology is available to patients.

Dr. Kraff was born and raised in Chicago. He enjoys running and photography, as well as, spending time with his wife, children, and granddaughter.


How long does LASIK take when used to treat astigmatism?

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LASIK (Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis) surgery to treat astigmatism typically takes around 15 to 30 minutes per eye. The actual laser portion of the procedure usually takes only a few seconds per eye, with additional time required for preparation and postoperative care.

How long does it take to recover after astigmatism surgery?

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Patients will be encouraged to go home and sleep immediately following the surgery. There can be some irritation for the first couple of hours, but oral pain medication will be administered to help minimize any discomfort. With LASIK surgery, most patients can resume their normal day-to-day activities within 24 hours. There are some restrictions which will be reviewed with you prior to your procedure.

How do I prepare for photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) surgery for astigmatism?

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The first step is to come in for a no-cost, no-obligation, consultation to see if you’re a good candidate for surgery. If you wear contact lenses you will need to be out of your lenses for a period of time leading up to your pre-op exam and surgery. When here for your consultation, our Refractive Consultant will go over everything with you and let you know what you’ll need to do to prepare for the surgery.

Why should I choose Kraff Eye for my astigmatism PRK surgery?

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Dr. Colman Kraff has been performing PRK surgery since 1991. He was a part of the initial FDA clinical study that helped to get PRK approved in 1996. You will not find a surgeon with more experience, or who has been performing the surgery as long as Dr. Kraff. Also, here at the Kraff Eye Institute we utilize iDesign 2.0 technology. This is the most advanced, highest definition way, of mapping and screening the cornea. This technology allows Dr. Kraff to treat patients with high levels of astigmatism.

What is the best eye laser correction solution for astigmatism?

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Here at the Kraff Eye Institute we utilize iDesign 2.0 technology. This software allows Dr. Kraff to treat patients with high levels of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. The software is used in both LASIK and PRK surgeries. The software is ideal for patients who need PRK for astigmatism correction.

What should I expect after PRK surgery?

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Immediately following a PRK procedure, the patient will be encouraged to go home and sleep. It is normal to have on and off discomfort for the first couple of days following surgery. A patient will be given oral pain medication to help minimize discomfort. 

The epithelium, or the top layer of the cornea, is what is gently brushed off prior to the LASER treatment. The epithelium will regenerate on its own during those first couple of days as you’re healing. During that time a patient will be wearing a soft bandage contact lens (BCL). Once the epithelium has fully regenerated, Dr. Kraff will remove the bandage lens. Following the removal of the BCL, patients can resume most of their normal day to day activities. As the eye continues to heal the patient will continue to notice improvements with the quality of their vision.

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